My classmate and I talked about the six thinking hats and decided that she was likely to be the red hat and I would be the black hat. She came up with her project based on emotions--what she cares about and finds important. I tend to base things like my project based on judgement. Judgement on what people would thinks works or doesn't work. I tend to look for what lacks in functionality.
White: I would need to research a lot about cats, specifically sphynx cats, and make sure the information is accurate. The information cannot be false because spreading misinformation could be really harmful. I could talk to a professional veterinarian and cross check multiple resources to ensure accuracy. I already know that sphinx cats are a high maintenance breed and need lots of special accommodations.
Red: This could be a very helpful website for new cat owners who need one place for general information. I feel very passionate about it because I care about the treatment of exotic cats. My gut feeling tells me this could be a fun way to show these silly cats.
Black: This could be a controversal website as there as many cat owners who are strongly opinionated and disagree with my information or advice. There could be a large group of people who, desipte factual information being presented, could think I'm spreading misinformation because their certain things don't work for their cat.
Yellow: This could be helpful and other cats owners could give their input on what has helped their cats. For example, a good shampoo product for sensitive skin since sphynx cats don't have hair. This could also be a good wesbite for people to show off their cats and other people can view cute cats.
Green: I could make it a social website where people can post silly pictures of their sphynx cats or useful tips as a cat owner. Or it could just be a website for information only. I would like it to be a fun website over something super serious because I personally love looking at silly cats.
Blue: I've thought of the layout and that I want different tabs for information, about, and a page for people to post their cats or information. I know I want it to be a cute looking website that its fun to navigate. I also want it to be easy to use, no complicated features for the old people so they can still easily post their cats.
I've changed my idea since learning about the six hats because I want something with more information and uploading photos of cats. I also want it to be a helpful page that can be referenced with valuable information. Another reason why I wanted to change my idea was because I felt like my first idea wasn't as strong. I wanted a general art uploading website that wouldn't have as much information or real value compared to my cat website.