When I looked at this I tried clicking on a few things that weren't actually clickable like the bottom three button looking things as well as some of the text that I though would have pop ups.
Storytelling can help refine ideas because it's a simple format to create a lasting impact on it's readers/users. When breaking down the methods of story telling it can clarify the goal or purpose while centering around a theme or character, in this case, the users. Defining the users helps create personas to build empathy or an emotional connection to their story. Overall, it breaks down the simplifying the experience for their users.
Different examples of hierarchy established in typography would be size, weight, color, style and placement. This example might be a little odd, but I have always loved the placement of text on Ikea websites, specifically the Ideas Page looks very nice.
Ikea Ideas & InspirationThe name for my project will be "Started" and this project will solve the problem for artists who struggle to find prompts and start working on a new project. Our audience, artists online and all over the world can use this project to jumpstart inspiration and creativity. Compeition would be ArtPrompts, or an idea generator, however it would not serve the exact purpose for timing a sketch and uploading it. The message would be that the beginning doesn't have to seem so daunting because nothing is perfect from the start. Measuring success is measuring how effective and utilized this tool is for artists--the more artists upload their sketches and work, the greater the success.