Assignment 2 - Part 2


What is the difference between structured content and semantic HTML?

Structured content is the organization of content that is "ready for any interface". They are like packages of data that relate to each other. Semantic HTML is how information is communicated between document elements. It's that structure content is nested within.

How do they work together?

Semantic HTML is almost like a label as to what is being communicated between structure content and semantic HTML. It provides context to the structure content.

Why is it important to have structured content and semantic HTML in your web page?

It's important to have structured content because it allows search engines and chat bots to process information and semantic HTML gives context for such information to allow for a better viewing experience. For example, information for a doctor's office can be displayed nicely with the help of emphasizing, font sizes, and even colors.

Part 3


Part 4


Denise Jacobs argues that we all have a troll-like inner critic. Of the methods she identifies to banish this troll, which would be most successful for you? Why?

"Switch It Up", because I find that when I change the way I word things/think about my problems, even in my head, I can move forward positively with motivation, rather than moving on because I'm forcing myself to. When I switch my focus to something more positive, I find it easier to handle even big work loads that week. For example, instead of thinking, "I don't have time for all this homework", I can plan for positive action instead: "I can go to a nice cafe to finish my homework and get a treat!"

In David McRaney's article, what is "hyperbolic discounting"? List one method McRaney identifies to counteract hyperbolic discounting. Which would work best for you?

Becoming more rational when you are forced to wait because you think there's a better payoff later will drop as time passes like a slope. One method is to think about the future you, since you decide to let future you handle it, present you has to realize future you is not to be trusted. I like this method the most because it makes the most sense to me because when I ask myself "Am I going to do this later?" the answer is always no.